Tuesday, November 20, 2007

new site and house update

surprise what do you think of the new site? I love it!! to explain the setting the flash site is the same as html. The html is the old way to do things and it is clunky there are more thing in the flash site. It is really easy to download flash player and it is free. The blog site is were I will Journal every week. We are still working on a few kinks but they should be done in the next week or two.
so what have we been doing? Aniston has started using the potty and Scarlett gets it, but just hasn't pottied on it. We had a big bazaar this weekend and sold about 30 calendars but it is definitely slower this year since we have less volunteers selling them. So if you sold them last year contact me and I will give you a bunch it would really help.
The house is going well. the roof is on and we are going to start drying the house out. I am sad to say we have almost maxed out our budged and we will have to stop things. The rock wall in the front of the house cost way way more then we thought it would, $70,000. Mary and Marilyn are doing the best they can calling for donations but since it is the end of the year people have given as much as they can. We still need cabinets, appliances, wire for the electric, light fixtures, insulation, gutters, gravel, fill, and rock. We have came so fare to stop but we have no choice. If you know of anyone who could help with contacting business or have a contact yourself please call Mary. We are also in need of volunteers at the house. Frank and Jerry we are thankful for your commitment to us.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving
Love, Courtnee

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