Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

Christmas was good though we had a few problems. The days leading up to Christmas were interesting with all the snow. I haven't been able to get my car out of the driveway for a week now. My mom never made it here from Spokane because of weather. The kids and I really missed her, Cami told people her grandma Cheri was stuck in a airplane. I kept things simple this year. I want the kids to understand that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus . Lilli wanted to know if we were going to make a birthday cake for the baby Jesus and I thought that was cute.

Christmas eve, Mike, Jerry, Marry, Jamie, Taka and Amanda all worked on putting toys together and wrapping presents. We finally wrapped up around 11:00 pm. It was quite until around 2:00am and then I heard Weston. I went to their room and each one started to cry. Finally around 5:00 am I went back to sleep. I slept a few hours until Lilli said, "Mama, can I go downstairs?" I wanted everyone to see the tree and the gifts at the same time. I got the video camera and headed up the stairs to their room. Lilli, Mike and I said, "Merry Christmas, Santa came." Just then I saw Cami throw up. "Oh no!!" I yelled, "Not today, please why today?!" I cleaned her and her bedding and we went downstairs. I picked up my video camera and recorded them ripping into their stockings. Lilli was yelling "Yes, yes, this is what I wanted." Just then I notice, just as I faced the video recorder in Belles direction, she had her head down on the couch. I asked, "Belle, don't you want to see what santa brought?" In that moment she threw up all over the couch.

It could have been worse. I know I will always remember this Christmas for years to come. Click on the link below and Taka recorded the kids sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star":

Oh and you will noticed my hair is brown and yes I have a story about that too.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas, we have snow!!! Before the snow hit, I took the kids to Crista Shores Senior home. This is the 3rd Christmas we have visited Crista Shores. It really makes me feel good to see how much joy the kids bring to others. Some people tear up and others just laugh at the thought of 5 two year olds. This year it was special because I brought Molly (my sisters little girl) with us. For those that don't know, Molly was born with cancer and at 2 weeks old she had a kidney removed then shortly after that completed 19 weeks of chemotherapy. Molly is cancer free and thriving. The people at Crista Shores prayed for her and they were elated to see her walk through the door. I try to have her over to our house once a week because her cousins adore her. We are planning to visit 5 more senior homes in the next few months. It is rewarding to say the least.
Mike and I took the kids to see Santa and Mrs. Claus at Clear Creek Nursery last Saturday. Lilli couldn't wait to see him but the others were a little scared. Scarlett nearly hyperventilated, she was so scared. She wanted nothing to do with Santa. Weston tried to be brave for his sisters and he stood frozen with big eyes. Maybe they will like him better next year. Before bed that night Scarlett said "I don't want Santa to come".
We had a interview with a local paper this week and Weston got most of the attention telling Charles (the writer) that he had a penis like daddy. He said it over and over while stripping off his clothes in front of the photographer. Finally after the hundredth time of saying " I have a penis" Charles laughed and said "I am happy for you buddy." I never know what is going to come out of their mouths these days.
Everyone is close to being potty trained. Belle, Aniston and Cami are doing great. Weston likes to open the front door and pee outside. I find little puddles every now and then on the floor. Usually I discover the pee pee after I slipped or stepped in it. Aniston is always quick to point out the urinator, she takes on that first born role. Scarlett is struggling as well. She asks me for a diaper, puts it on herself and goes in the bathroom. Then comes out and says "change me I pooped in my diaper". I have bribed her with everything I can think of. Sometimes she thinks about it and then I find her behind chairs or under the table going to the bathroom. Lately her new spot is behind the Christmas tree.
Mike is still adjusting to being home or should I say I am adjusting to Mike being home. Oh it is hard anyway you look at it. He joined the electrical union and we are hoping to find something close to home. The last job he was on, he commuted 2 hours there and 2 hours back. I am going back to school next quarter to finish my education degree. I am still teaching aerobics 2-4 days a week at West Coast Fitness. They are awesome to give me free daycare while I work. I load the kids up every Thursday and Friday, then pick up my friend Sara and 3 other kids. We drop all the big kids off at school and head to the gym. Sara is such a good sport about all the chaos the kids create. Thanks Sara you are a true friend.
I trust that god will give us what we need when we need it. It seems to always work that way. When times get hard, you just adjust and that's what we are doing. The kids, Mike and I have what we need. We feel blessed to have a healthy family and a home. thank you too the businesses (and individuals) who donated and helped build our home last year. There were alot of very generous people who gave materials, time and expertise I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New year.
If you are in need of a calendar please don't hesitate to order one online or email me They make great Christmas gift and are defiantly a conversation piece.
P.S. I have been looking for easy inexpensive recipes if you have any please email me.
Lots of Love, Courtnee

Wednesday, December 3, 2008