Saturday, December 27, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars

Christmas was good though we had a few problems. The days leading up to Christmas were interesting with all the snow. I haven't been able to get my car out of the driveway for a week now. My mom never made it here from Spokane because of weather. The kids and I really missed her, Cami told people her grandma Cheri was stuck in a airplane. I kept things simple this year. I want the kids to understand that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus . Lilli wanted to know if we were going to make a birthday cake for the baby Jesus and I thought that was cute.

Christmas eve, Mike, Jerry, Marry, Jamie, Taka and Amanda all worked on putting toys together and wrapping presents. We finally wrapped up around 11:00 pm. It was quite until around 2:00am and then I heard Weston. I went to their room and each one started to cry. Finally around 5:00 am I went back to sleep. I slept a few hours until Lilli said, "Mama, can I go downstairs?" I wanted everyone to see the tree and the gifts at the same time. I got the video camera and headed up the stairs to their room. Lilli, Mike and I said, "Merry Christmas, Santa came." Just then I saw Cami throw up. "Oh no!!" I yelled, "Not today, please why today?!" I cleaned her and her bedding and we went downstairs. I picked up my video camera and recorded them ripping into their stockings. Lilli was yelling "Yes, yes, this is what I wanted." Just then I notice, just as I faced the video recorder in Belles direction, she had her head down on the couch. I asked, "Belle, don't you want to see what santa brought?" In that moment she threw up all over the couch.

It could have been worse. I know I will always remember this Christmas for years to come. Click on the link below and Taka recorded the kids sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star":

Oh and you will noticed my hair is brown and yes I have a story about that too.

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