Sunday, April 6, 2008

pictures of Molly

Hi everyone I just got these pictures of Molly and I want to share them with you all. You can see she is happy and healthy. Her cancer is gone and I am looking forward to her living in Washington soon.
The kids and I went to church this morning. People are always amazed at how healthy they are. I have to admit I always smile when they are saying "you could never tell they were preemies." My little chubbies love to eat. Mike has worked 60 hours at his regular job and then another 8 today at the house. We know it won't always be this hard. The house is coming along. Our framing inspection passed. Next is sheet rock. The sweet Judkin family has offered their services. I love the Judkins, not only are they helping on the house their family brings us dinner once a month. It is not just any dinner it is a huge home baked feast. Homemade rolls and jam everything down to the desert.
Have a great week

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