This has been a hard week!! Wednesday Weston fell off the table and his front tooth fell out. I had just fed them all dinner and was washing the floor, when I saw him falling out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and he was on the floor screaming and blood was everywhere. I was terrified at first I couldn't tell where it was coming from and then I saw his beautiful little tooth on the ground. I couldn't believe it was the root and all. It is really hard being alone so much. Mike is always working on the house and the kids seem to be getting good at climbing and opening things. I called my mom that night crying. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and when things like this happens it makes me feel like I am failing. I cannot turn my back for one second what one cannot figure out the other will. The dentist said he will be fine but toothless until his grown up teeth come in. It still makes me feel terrible when he smiles.
Thursday I went to the ear doctor and all the kids are getting ear tubes and adenoids removed. I am hoping they will once again sleep at night. It seems we have gone through all the antibiotics and they still wake up screaming at night and tell me ouchy. So tomorrow is the big day we are going to the surgery center at 6:30. I'll let you all know how it goes.
I would love to list your blog on my favorite blog list. Let me know if it would be OK.
Love your blog and your kids are beautiful.
Awww I know just how you feel when you look at Weston. My sweet baby girl fell when she was the same age and cracked her tooth so bad the root was exposed. We had to wait over the long weekend with a bag by the door in case she began to shreik with pain. Thankfully that did not happen. They immediately pulled the whole thing while she was wrapped in a blanket after given some forgetful juice. Courtney is 7 yrs now and it has finally grown in perfectly. I did mourn the loss as if it were a body part I was soooo sad about it. I'm sorry. I only had one to keep track of. You are doing a FABULOUS job. Just look how far you've come and they are all so wonderful.
Thanks for sharing them. If I lived closer I would sooooo be a helper.
Laurie - a total stranger in Canada
You are an awesome mom and I've enjoyed reading your blog and looking over your site. We have and always will be praying for you and your family!
I just wanted to leave a note saying that I love to read your blog, and that you are doing an AMAZING JOB! I hope the tubes and adeniod removal goes OK for you with the kids. My daughter had that done, and it was the best thing we could have done. Happy Holidays, and I miss ya tons! Love, Your friend in Elma :-)
WOW. 2 surgeries per child? I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope everything goes well. Cori and I have to come by and see the kids. They are getting so big!
My son lost his front tooth when he was 15 months in a "running with a toy in his mouth accident". The adult tooth grew in a little crooked and had a small, but correctable defect on it. I hope the tubes help your children as they helped mine. It was the best thing I ever did. You're doing a great job as a mom.
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