Thursday, February 12, 2009

I dont know who is crazier that lady or my life

Ok I had no idea when I posted the last blog the lady was mental. I keep hearing her say I can do it all on my own. NEVER, NEVER it is not humanly possible. The first 9 months of the babies life I slept on a good night 2-4 hours. With help I still only slept 4 hours because I had to nurse or pump. I feel like I am a strong person and at times I cannot take the craziness of life and I only have 6. I do not agree with what she has done but it is done, and now we need to pray for the children involved. I will still continue to pray for the mother. What I would love for her to say is she thankful to God for there life of her children and she needs HELP mentally, spiritually, and physically. That is all I have to say about that.
Any how It is 6:30 am and the kids didn’t sleep again last night. First Aniston at 11:00 insisting there was a bug in her room. Cami around 2:00 crying because she was scared. Then that set Belle of and she repeated over and over “I want to sleep with MAMA!!” for 2 hours. Finally Cami got to sleep. “Oh no!!” Aniston is crying again and there goes Belle “I want MAMA!!” I brought Aniston and Belle into one single bed and all three of us snuggled into tight quarters. For an hour the two fought over who got to touch me. Ok by now it was 5:00 Belle had moved onto “I want a drink of water” over and over and aniston was fighting for her position in the bed. I finally got up to get Belle a drink of water and notice its already 5:30. Ahhh!!! After water and fighting they are finally asleep and now I am wide awake. And thinking about all the things I need to get done today. Like Drop Lilli of at school at 9:00 and then teach my aerobics class at 9:30. Pick Lilli up at 11:30 while dragging 2 of the other kids with me. Life is always crazy in the Stevenson house.
Mike is really liking his job. Some days he even come home for lunch. School is going well I have a 95% in my Algebra class. I have a great teacher because I am not by any means the kind of person to get things easily. I struggled with school because of my dyslexia I always thought I wasn’t smart however, now I know I just didn’t know how to work with my disability. With time I have learned I can do anything if I set my mind to it. Even survive 6 kids under of the age of 6.
Well I better start my day. I hope I put a smile on your face because after reading through this I cannot help but laugh at my life.


Anonymous said...

Loved this post. Seems like you all are getting by pretty well. Someone asked me today if life gets easier. Welp, in a way because I remeber looking back when they were babies and all I can really recall is all the work and sleepless nights. I pray for these octuplets and their mother. not fully agreeing such as you on how they got here but they are here.

Carol said...

I'd say you totally rock! Six kids and school? You GO!

I agree that there's NO way the mom of 14 can do it all!


Unknown said...

I agree with you, this mother needs prayers..she is nuts..and emotionally and mentally unwell..14 kids and she says she can do it on her own? no way no how...I pray for her kids..who will not have a parent of any sort..and I pray for her..I pray she does what is best for her KIDS...and I really think that means giving some or all of them up for adoption. I know that sounds radical..but she is simply going to drain the state of CA for money and will NOT give these kids any kind of very very sad..

Cori said...

You are amazing Courtnee!! School, work, 6 kids!! WOW!

Diane said...

I will be praying for a full nights sleep for you!! It sounds like you could use it. Being a mom comes with so many challenges...and so many blessings all at the same time. Isn't it nice to know you're not alone and there are others who know exactly how you feel?? God Bless you.

Unknown said...

DUDE! Sounds similar to someone else I know :)

MamaDenny said...

Hi Courtnee,
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog the other day - I really needed it after the week in the hospital with one of the quints and the conragious diseases running around our house and kids ! We are a special breed -aren't we ???? About that other lady -- well, don't get me started ! XOXOO XXX Lynds

Unknown said...

Courtnee, I'm Art Jr's wife Juli. I have been trying to search for your sight and finally found it again. Your children are beautiful. I will show Art when he gets home. I can also relate with you and your little clan. I run a home day care and have six kids under three here all the time. At least mine go home at night. I know it's a hectic life but they will grow up before you know it!