Saturday, August 2, 2008

My kids are out of control!!!!!

Oh boy are the kids out of control. Will I survive the terrible two’s? I think I have a way of making things look rosy. Our beautiful home is almost done. I should be really really happy but my kids have lost their mind. Mike hasn’t been home in I don’t know how many months. I honestly cannot remember the last time he spent even a half a day with us. Lilli is looking for every bit of attention she can (good or bad). The kids are fighting all the time. Scarlett scratched Cami across the face and left a huge gash. Belle bit Scarlett in the face this morning and left bite marks and a bruise. Weston screamed from 2:00am until he went down for his nap. And Aniston has a huge bite on the top of her hand from Belle. I know there are mothers out there right now reading this and thinking “thank god it is not just my child acting this way” I am sorry for not sharing with you all the crazy days as well as the good days. My kids are beautiful, smart and adorable but at times I feel I am loosing my mind. I am still questioning myself if I want to post this truth. I am tired and feel beat down. I want so badly to do things on my own. Thursday night I fed the kids and started a bath. And yes it was just me home. Everything was a mess the house the kids not to mention me. I put them in the tub and washed them one by one. I dried 2 off and ran them down stairs. From the time I walked down stairs and walked up again Scarlett, Belle and Aniston managed to dump all the water out of the tub onto the floor. I wiped the water up as quickly as I could and brought the 3 monsters down stairs to join there screaming brother and sister. Just them I realized water was coming out of all the lights on the ceiling. ( Dad if you are reading this your house is fine trust me) I ran up stairs to clean up the rest of the water and ran back down stairs. My 5 darlings had there mouths open like little birds drinking this disgusting water. These incidence happen daily. Please don’t send me any hate mail for writing this. And yes I do get mail saying you knew what you were doing when you took fertility to get pregnant. And that is usually the kindest sentence in the letter. I hope all the moms out there struggling every day to keep it together see they are not the alone. The truth is I love my kids so much it hurts. I expect way to much out of myself out of fear someone will think I am not perfect. Where is that fine line? When do you let your house work build up around you and your kids walk around with a dirty face. A part of me see’s that has failing and the other part says go with the flow. People always ask How do you do it? And I smile and say day by day. Maybe I should start thinking minute to minute and allow myself to fail once in awhile.
For all that life sends my way I am thankful everyday to have healthy children. There are people that have struggles way worse then mine. Thanks for listening.



Beverley said...

Courtnee you are awesome. I know I would never be able manage that many kids all at the same time. I've been watching that show Jon and Kate plus 8 and there too am amazed at how Kate does it. You and her should have some time together so she can share what works for her. (Just don't yell at Mike the way she yells at Jon)
You are in my thoughts and prayers during these trying times and I pray you get into your new house very soon.
Beverley from BC Canada

Unknown said...

Hey Courtnee,

We all have bad days! Life is messy! You don't have to only highlight the positives. Vent if you need to. This is YOUR BLOG. If people don't like what you have to say, they shouldn't check out your blog.

Also, there is that lovely delete key!! Although I just have 3, I know all about the way multiples gang up on each other (biting, hitting, pinching, scratching, etc. etc.) and gang up on parents too! They always find something to do that a singleton couldn't manage! More than 1 brain together --- dangerous! Anyhow, hang in there and just sing the song, "Momma told me there would be days like this!" Also, use your delete button when you feel like it. HUGS.

Erin said...

You are doing great!! Hope the kids will get out of this phase soon. In a few years, you'll look back and be happy you are with them everyday and can see them growing up. Just need to hang in there during the rough times.

Paije said...

Court! You are brave and wonderful! Every mother has those days! The most important thing is that the kids know you love them, and they do know that! Keep on, keepin' on....things do get better! I'll pray for ya!!! Paije

Unknown said...

Courtnee: I go to Newlife and have followed your journey the whole time....YOU are an amazing woman...not just mother but woman! There aren't too many of us who would so gracefully endure the pregnancy and then FIVE kids at once...all moms need are not alone with just may need to reach out more often than the rest of us do! But that is totally 100% understandable!!! When people give you nasty emails about fertility and how you 'knew what you were getting into' just know that God is not in their hearts..and that they are probably not the kind to elect AGAINST reduction etc. Ignore them. There are always going to be naysayers...some people just thrive on drama like that...your kids are growing so fast (although to you it may not seem that way some days! hahaha)...and soon, very soon....TOO SOON..they will ALL be in school! FULL TIME! Savor these crazy days..because in the blink of an eye they will be over....
You are truly blessed with these children...they all look healthy and happy..and that is only because of the wonderful parents they have!
Hang in there! And reach out for help! ALL Moms need a break! :)
Hugs and love and prayers being sent your way!

Jodi said...

Courtnee - You're doing a great job! Having 5 little ones plus Lilly is very stressful. I operated an in-home child care business for 5 years and would be exhausted by the end of the day. But it was totally worth being home with my children. You do not need to be perfect and realize your children will not be perfect either. If you have a dirty house or dirty little faces once in a while, that is okay. Let it go! Just try to enjoy your moments as much as you can. I figure if your loving them, feeding them and teaching them you're doing a great job! And the water leak will be a funny memory a few years down the road! Hang in there!

Meg said...

I didn't have multiples so I don't know what this is like....but I have been a mom for a long time. (I have grandkids so I really do mean a lot of years of motherhood!) I think you are doing a great job! I'm going to offer up what I have learned and you can use it if it helps.

1. Somedays it is essential to take things minute by minute.
2. Always remember that this will pass (and actually surprisingly and heartbreakingly quickly).
3. When it comes to housework, do the minimum so you can spend time just being with your children.
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
5. No one is perfect and you can kill yourself trying. Just do your best when you have the energy and be loving always.
6. It is normal to not enjoy every stage of your child's life equally. It is also normal to like one child more than another for periods of time (or not to like anybody). It will balance out. If it doesn't seem to be balancing out, see #4.
7. Biting is normal behavior for 2 year olds. Not acceptable but normal.
8. Oldest kids always need extra attention.

Keep up the good work! You have such beautiful little ones (even on the worst of days).

flickrlovr said...

Ditto to all the comments from the other ladies.
YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. It would be scarier to everyone if you DIDN'T ever have bad days or breakdowns or feel like you were losing it. We all do! You cannot expect yourself to be perfect. You just can't. You're doing a phenomenal job with the kids and they're all happy and healthy and just fine. I'm sure that it's all stressful right now not having Mike around so much and having to concentrate so much energy on finishing the house. You will all get through this though, and pretty soon, before you know'll be all settled in to your beautiful big new home and have enough room to breathe and relax. And the kids will get easier as they get older too-they're still so young and need so much attention-Lilli too. Hang in there, and do NOT beat yourself up, because you are a miracle Mama!

I hope you feel you can ask for help and that there are volunteers able to assist you with the little kids and Lilli, because honestly? 6 children on your own is a lot, and you need some breaks! ASK FOR THEM :)

Praying for you...


quinterly said...

I really admire you, Courtnee! I have followed your blog/websites since they were born, and you are a beautiful family. I think you have every right too feel exhausted! Who wouldn't be with six kids. I wish I didn't live on the other side of the Atlantic, otherwise it would be an honor to be a volunteer and help you with the kids! Hang in there, and keep us updated when you have a spare moment :)

Shantelle said...

Hello Courtnee,
I have followed your story from the beginning and think you have a beautiful family. I have four kids (a set of twins) and am overwhelmed, I can only imagine how your days must go. Hang in there and know you have a support group here anytime. Kudos to the comment before me, use that delete key for those unfortunate individuals who cannot value what God has blessed us with. Take care,Shantelle