Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
coffeehose photography
I have great news My brother-in-law (Steve) and I have opened a photography business. you can see our work if you go to http://www.coffeehousephotography.com/ the site isn't all the way up but you can see the rough draft. don't try using the bar across this page it wont work you need to click on the website. We will work from Seattle to Portland. After taking the pictures on the calendar and exploring photography I have found a new love. Steve has been in the industry for sometime, he is a amazing photographer. With Molly having cancer and me having 6 kids we could always use the money. Also it is a great way for me to get out of the house and still do something for my family. Please pray for us as we start a new adventure.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Dec. 16, 2007
This has been a hard week!! Wednesday Weston fell off the table and his front tooth fell out. I had just fed them all dinner and was washing the floor, when I saw him falling out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and he was on the floor screaming and blood was everywhere. I was terrified at first I couldn't tell where it was coming from and then I saw his beautiful little tooth on the ground. I couldn't believe it was the root and all. It is really hard being alone so much. Mike is always working on the house and the kids seem to be getting good at climbing and opening things. I called my mom that night crying. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed and when things like this happens it makes me feel like I am failing. I cannot turn my back for one second what one cannot figure out the other will. The dentist said he will be fine but toothless until his grown up teeth come in. It still makes me feel terrible when he smiles.
Thursday I went to the ear doctor and all the kids are getting ear tubes and adenoids removed. I am hoping they will once again sleep at night. It seems we have gone through all the antibiotics and they still wake up screaming at night and tell me ouchy. So tomorrow is the big day we are going to the surgery center at 6:30. I'll let you all know how it goes.